268-0101-00L  Introduction to Information Security

SemesterHerbstsemester 2019
DozierendeP. Schaller
Periodizitätjährlich wiederkehrende Veranstaltung
KommentarOnly for CAS and DAS in Cyber Security.

KurzbeschreibungIn this course, the goal is to introduce the fundamentals of information/cyber security from a technical point of view. Along with theory, hands-on experiments are an important building block of the course and help to deepen the students’ understanding of the theory parts.
LernzielGraduates of the course know the technical foundations of information security and understand the difficulty and complexity involved when trying to build secure systems.
InhaltIn this new course, the goal is to introduce the fundamentals of information/cyber security from a technical point of view. Along with theory, hands-on experiments are an important building block of the course and help to deepen the students’ understanding of the theory parts.