363-1109-00L Introduction to Microeconomics
Semester | Autumn Semester 2019 |
Lecturers | M. Wörter, M. Beck |
Periodicity | yearly recurring course |
Language of instruction | German |
Comment | GESS (Science in Perspective): This course is only for students enrolled in a Bachelor’s degree programme. Students enrolled in a Master’s degree programme may attend “Principles of Microeconomics” (LE 363-0503-00L) instead. Note for D-MAVT students: If you have already successfully completed “Principles of Microeconomics” (LE 363-0503-00L), then you will not be permitted to attend it again. |
Abstract | The course introduces basic principles, problems and approaches of microeconomics. It describes economic decisions of households and firms, and their coordination through perfectly competitive markets. |
Learning objective | Students acquire a deeper understanding of basic microeconomic models. They acquire the ability to apply these models in the interpretation of real world economic contexts. Students acquire a reflective and contextual knowledge on how societies use scarce resources to produce goods and services and distribute them among themselves. |
Content | Market, budget constraint, preferences, utility function, utility maximisation, demand, technology, profit function, cost minimisation, cost functions, perfect competition, information and communication technologies |
Lecture notes | Course material in e-learning environment https://moodle-app2.let.ethz.ch/auth/shibboleth/login.php |
Literature | Varian, Hal R. (2014), Intermediate Microeconomics, W.W. Norton |
Prerequisites / Notice | This course "Einführung in die Mikroökonomie“ (363-1109-00L) is intended for Bachelor students and LE 363-0503-00 "Principles of Microeconomics" for Master students. |