227-0113-00L  Power Electronics

SemesterAutumn Semester 2019
LecturersJ. W. Kolar
Periodicityyearly recurring course
Language of instructionGerman

AbstractFields of application of power electronic systems. Principle of operation of basic pulse-width modulated and line-commutated power electronic converters, analysis of the operating behavior and of the control oriented behavior, converter design. Reduction of effects of line-commutated rectifiers on the mains, electromagnetic compatibility.
Learning objectiveFields of application of power electronic systems. Principle of operation of basic pulse-width modulated and line-commutated power electronic converters, analysis of the operating behavior and of the controloriented behavior, converter design. Reduction of effects of line-commutated rectifiers on the mains, electromagnetic compatibility.
ContentBasic structure of power electronic systems, applications. DC/DC converters, high frequency isolation, control oriented modeling / state-space averaging and PWM switch model. Power semiconductors, non-idealities, cooling. Magnetic components, skin and proximity effect, design. Electromagnetic compatibility. Single-phase diode bridge with capacitive smoothing, effects on the mains, power factor correction / PWM rectifier. Pulse-width modulated single-phase and three-phase full bridge converter with impressed DC voltage, modulation schemes, space vector calculus. Line-commutated single-phase full bridge with impressed output current, commutation, phase-control, inverter operation, commutation failure. Line-commutated three-phase full bridge converter, impressed output voltage, impressed output current / phase-control. Parallel connection of three-phase line-commutated thyristor circuits, inter-phase transformer. Anti-parallel connection of three-phase line-commutated thyristor bridge circuits, four-quadrant DC motor drive. Load-resonant converters, state plane analysis.
Lecture notesLecture notes and associated exercises including correct answers, simulation program for interactive self-learning including visualization/animation features.
Prerequisites / NoticePrerequisites: Basic knowledge of electric circuit analysis and signal theory.