Topological groups and Haar measure. Definition of Lie groups, examples of local fields and examples of discrete subgroups; basic properties; Lie subgroups. Lie algebras and relation with Lie groups: exponential map, adjoint representation. Semisimplicity, nilpotency, solvability, compactness: Killing form, Lie's and Engel's theorems. Definition of algebraic groups and relation with Lie groups.
The goal is to have a broad though foundational knowledge of the theory of Lie groups and their associated Lie algebras with an emphasis on the algebraic and topological aspects of it.
A. Knapp: "Lie groups beyond an Introduction" (Birkhaeuser) A. Sagle & R. Walde: "Introduction to Lie groups and Lie algebras" (Academic Press, '73) F. Warner: "Foundations of differentiable manifolds and Lie groups" (Springer) H. Samelson: "Notes on Lie algebras" (Springer, '90) S. Helgason: "Differential geometry, Lie groups and symmetric spaces" (Academic Press, '78) A. Knapp: "Lie groups, Lie algebras and cohomology" (Princeton University Press)
Voraussetzungen / Besonderes
Topology and basic notions of measure theory. A basic understanding of the concepts of manifold, tangent space and vector field is useful, but could also be achieved throughout the semester.