151-0252-00L  Gasturbines: Cycles and Combustion Systems

SemesterSpring Semester 2019
LecturersP. Jansohn
Periodicityyearly recurring course
Language of instructionGerman

AbstractGasturbines are used in various applications such as power generation, mechanical drives, jet engines and ship propulsion because they offer high efficiency and low emissions. For all operating conditions the chosen combustion concepts (mainly lean premix combustion) have to maintain stable heat release (combustion reactions) and low pollutant (NOx, CO) formation.
Learning objectiveGet familiar with the basics of combustion systems in various gas turbine types; acquire knowledge about gas turbine applications and gas turbine based thermodynamic cycles;
learn about gas turbine combustor geometries and design rules;
understand combustion characteristics for specific conditions relevant to gas turbines; emission characteristics (NOx, CO, soot)of gas turbine combustors; flame stability and thermoacoustics; combustion properties of a range of gas turbine fuels
Contentgasturbine types and applications
- aero engines, stationary gas turbines, mechanical drives, industrial gas turbines mobile applications
gasturbine cycles (thermodynamics)
- cycle characteristics, efficiency, specific power, process parameters (temp., pressure).
energy balance & mass flows
- compression work, expansion work, heat release, secondary air system, exhaust gas losses.
gasturbine components (introduction, basics)
- compressor, combustor, turbine, heat exchanger, ... .
burner/combustor systems
- fuel/air mixing, fuels, combustor geometries, burner configurations, flame stabilization, heat exchange/cooling schemes, emission characteristics.
flame stabilization and thermoacoustics.
combustion technologies
- lean premix combustion, staged combustion, piloting, swirl flames, operating concepts.
new technologies/current research topics
- catalytic combustion, flameless combustion, wet combustion, Zero Emission Concepts (incl. CO2 separation)
Lecture notesbooklet of slides (printing cost will be charged)
Literaturesuggestions/recommendations for additional literature studies given in the script (for each individual chapter/topic)
Prerequisites / Noticebasics in thermodynamics / thermodynamic cycles of heat engines;
basics in combustion technologies