263-3501-00L  Future Internet

SemesterFrühjahrssemester 2019
DozierendeA. Singla
Periodizitätjährlich wiederkehrende Veranstaltung
KommentarPreviously called Advanced Computer Networks

KurzbeschreibungThis course will discuss recent advances in networking, with a focus on the Internet, with topics ranging from the algorithmic design of applications like video streaming to the likely near-future of satellite-based networking.
LernzielThe goals of the course are to build on basic undergraduate-level networking, and provide an understanding of the tradeoffs and existing technology in the design of large, complex networked systems, together with concrete experience of the challenges through a series of lab exercises.
InhaltThe focus of the course is on principles, architectures, protocols, and applications used in modern networked systems. Example topics include:

- How video streaming services like Netflix work, and research on improving their performance.
- How Web browsing could be made faster
- How the Internet's protocols are improving
- Exciting developments in satellite-based networking (ala SpaceX)
- The role of data centers in powering Internet services

A series of programming assignments will form a substantial part of the course grade.
SkriptLecture slides will be made available at the course Web site: https://ndal.ethz.ch/courses/fi.html
LiteraturNo textbook is required, but there will be regularly assigned readings from research literature, liked to the course Web site: https://ndal.ethz.ch/courses/fi.html.
Voraussetzungen / BesonderesAn undergraduate class covering the basics of networking, such as Internet routing and TCP. At ETH, Computer Networks (252-0064-00L) and Communication Networks (227-0120-00L) suffice. Similar courses from other universities are acceptable too.