851-0111-09L Science in Context
Semester | Frühjahrssemester 2019 |
Dozierende | B. Rubin Lucht, M. Reinhart |
Periodizität | jährlich wiederkehrende Veranstaltung |
Lehrsprache | Englisch |
Kommentar | This course is open to PhD students and postdocs of all departments. The course is part of the Critical Thinking Initiative CTETH |
Kurzbeschreibung | Science consists of more than just doing lab work and writing publications. Science is also about what type of research gets funded, who makes a career, and which scientific results attract public attention. In this course we discuss the wider context in which science takes place from different perspectives: philosophical, historical, sociological, economic, political, and societal. |
Lernziel | Students learn to consider research in the context of science and society at large, but also in view of their own professional interests. Familiarity with the different modes used to reflect on the role of scientists will facilitate the transition from studies to professional work as scientists. |
Inhalt | The course will consist of lectures covering the topics listed below. The lectures will be followed by extensive discussions of the particular topics based on reading of key publications in Science Studies. Experts will be invited to provide direct insight into the topics and to discuss questions and problems (e.g. media professional, patent lawyer). Major topics that students will be introduced to: - The historical and philosophical framework of the sciences with a particular emphasis on processes of innovation. - The processes of publishing scientific work and obtaining funding for research - The intersection between academia and industry, in particular the technology transfer process and the diversified roles of the different actors in the innovation processes. - The public perception and evaluation of scientific progress with a particular focus on the role of applied ethics. |
Voraussetzungen / Besonderes | We very much appreciate research expertise by members of different disciplines, as this renders the presentations and common discussions more interesting for all participants. If you have any questions concerning the form or the content of the course do not hesitate to inquire by email. |