402-0886-00L  Introduction to Quantum Chromodynamics

SemesterFrühjahrssemester 2019
DozierendeV. Del Duca
Periodizitätjährlich wiederkehrende Veranstaltung

KurzbeschreibungIntroduction to the theoretical aspects of Quantum Chromodynamics, the theory of strong interactions.
LernzielStudents that complete the course will be able to understand the fundamentals of QCD, to quantitatively discuss the ultraviolet and infrared behaviour of the theory, to perform simple calculations and to understand modern publications on this research field.
InhaltThe following topics will be covered:
- Parton Model, factorisation and Deeply Inelastic Scattering
- Helicity amplitudes
- QCD Lagrangian and gauge invariance
- Ultraviolet behaviour of QCD: renormalisation, the beta function, running coupling and asymptotic freedom
- Infrared behaviour of QCD: soft and collinear divergences, coherence, jets
- Parton evolution in QED and QCD: the DGLAP equations
- QCD at hadron colliders: Drell-Yan production, jet production and Higgs boson production
SkriptWill be provided at the Moodle site for the course.
LiteraturWill be provided at the Moodle site for the course.
Voraussetzungen / BesonderesQFT I : A working knowledge of Quantum Field Theory I, at the level of easily performing tree-level computations with Feynman diagrams given the Feynman rules, is assumed.