557-0542-01L  Volleyball I

SemesterSpring Semester 2019
LecturersM. Attinger
Periodicityyearly recurring course
Language of instructionGerman
CommentPrerequisites: Assessment III (BSc HST).
Compulsory for students of Teaching Diploma Sport on in the new Programme Regulations.

AbstractAcquire technical and tactical abilities in the game of volleyball
Learning objective- Experience and use of various aspects of volleyball as a teamplayer
Content- Techniques and tactics of indoor-volleyball (2:2 to 6:6)
- Beachvolleyball
- Various forms of warmups and tournement setups
Lecture notesPublished during the semester on "moodle"
Literature"Volleyball spielen", Foerster (BASPO), 2016
"Volleyball verstehen", Schnyder-Benoit (BASPO), 2016
"Kids Volley", Monnet et al (BASPO), 2016
"Volleyball Grundlagen" Papageorgiou/Spitzley 2005
"So wurden wir Weltklasse", Übungssammlung Beachvolleyball, Stefan Kobel