751-3606-00L Molecular Plant Breeding
Semester | Frühjahrssemester 2019 |
Dozierende | B. Studer, C. Grieder, A. Hund, R. Kölliker |
Periodizität | jährlich wiederkehrende Veranstaltung |
Lehrsprache | Englisch |
Kurzbeschreibung | Molecular tools have significantly contributed to improve the process of plant breeding throughout the last decades. The course Molecular Plant Breeding illustrates - on the basis of lectures, exercises and practical examples - the most important molecular breeding tools (QTL, association studies..) and how these tools are applied to plant breeding by means of marker-assisted or genomic selection. |
Lernziel | At the end of the course Molecular Plant Breeding you will be able to: - understand different molecular marker technologies and genotyping methods, and how the generated data can be used for genetic distance measures and multivariate statistics in experimental and natural populations - use the most important molecular breeding tools such as genetic linkage mapping, QTL analysis, genome-wide association studies and to apply these tools to plant breeding by marker-assisted and genomic selection - describe different sequencing technologies and strategies for genome sequencing, transcriptome profiling (RNAseq) and genotyping by sequencing - apply basic bioinformatics tools for sequence data management and comparative genomics (BLAST, simple assemblies, alignments and gene annotations) |
Inhalt | The course Molecular Plant Breeding is based on complementing lectures, exercises and practical examples. The examples cover a wide range of species and traits and will be taught by four different experts in the field. A detailed program including dates and specific contents will be provided through Moodle. |
Skript | Scripts and slides for each lecture and will be made available through Moodle. |
Literatur | For each lecture, additional literature covering the topic will be provided. |
Voraussetzungen / Besonderes | The course will be held at ETH Zentrum (LFW building), where computers will be available for exercises with R or - if necessary - other specific software packages. Attendance of the courses Pflanzenzüchtung and Plant Breeding is recommended; basic understanding of R (as taught in Experimental Design and Applied Statistics in Agroecosystem Science) is advantageous. |