363-1117-00L  Factory Planning and Design

SemesterSpring Semester 2019
LecturersR. Binkert, T. Netland
Periodicityyearly recurring course
Language of instructionEnglish


363-1117-00 GFactory Planning and Design14s hrsR. Binkert, T. Netland

Catalogue data

AbstractThe planning and design of factories and warehouses is a central activity for any manufacturer and logistics service provider. A factory is much more than just a building or a working space. Factory planning and design is a strategic task that will have a long-lasting effect on a business’ ability to create value. Many aspects must be carefully considered.
Learning objectiveAfter completing this course:
1. Students will be able to participate in projects for factory planning and design.
2. Students can identify the issues and difficulties which may emerge in factory planning and design.
3. Students can explain and apply the methods to plan and design a factory.
4. Students can differentiate the various technologies of materials handling systems.
5. Students can outline the basic factors to be considered when planning a new factory.
6. Students have a basic understanding of the tasks and how to face them when a new factory and its systems are being built and put into operation.

Performance assessment

Performance assessment information (valid until the course unit is held again)
Performance assessment as a semester course
ECTS credits1 credit
ExaminersR. Binkert, T. Netland
Typeungraded semester performance
Language of examinationEnglish
RepetitionRepetition only possible after re-enrolling for the course unit.
Additional information on mode of examination80 % attendance in classes is required.

Learning materials

No public learning materials available.
Only public learning materials are listed.


No information on groups available.


There are no additional restrictions for the registration.

Offered in

Management, Technology and Economics MasterRecommended Elective CoursesWInformation