751-5101-00L  Biogeochemistry and Sustainable Management

SemesterAutumn Semester 2018
LecturersN. Buchmann, C. Bachofen, V. Klaus
Periodicityyearly recurring course
Language of instructionEnglish

Performance assessment information (valid until the course unit is held again)
Performance assessment as a semester course
ECTS credits2 credits
ExaminersN. Buchmann, C. Bachofen, V. Klaus
Typegraded semester performance
Language of examinationEnglish
RepetitionRepetition only possible after re-enrolling for the course unit.
Additional information on mode of examination- active participation in class
- flipped classroom: read 3 book chapters throughout the semester (wks 2, 4, 12), answer predefined questions, counts 50%
- data analyses tasks (n=4) with two short reports (in English) about data analyses (wks 7 and 10), counts 50%