101-0509-11L  Infrastructure Management 1: Process (Project)

SemesterHerbstsemester 2018
DozierendeB. T. Adey
Periodizitätjährlich wiederkehrende Veranstaltung
KommentarOnly for Spatial Development and Infrastructure Systems MSc.

KurzbeschreibungThis project gives REIS students the chance to apply the knowledge they learn in the course Infrastructure Management 1: Process on a real example.
LernzielStudents obtain a better understanding of the infrastructure management process through this project.
InhaltStudents will be given a set of data pertaining to an infrastructure network and be asked to go through most of the steps in the infrastructure management process using this data, including setting goals and constraints, determining optimal intervention strategies and programs, setting guidelines for project managers, and controlling the performance of the organisation managing the infrastructure.
SkriptThe class material from Infrastructure Management 1 will be used.
LiteraturLiterature will be distributed as needed.
Voraussetzungen / Besonderesprerequisite: 101-0509-10 Infrastructure Management 1: Process must be enrolled as well.