052-0619-00L  Building Physics II

SemesterHerbstsemester 2018
DozierendeT. Defraeye, J. Carmeliet
Periodizitätjährlich wiederkehrende Veranstaltung

KurzbeschreibungMoisture related problems are common in buildings leading to costly damage and uncomfortable indoor environments. This course aims at providing the necessary theoretical background and training in order to foresee and avoid these problems.
Lernziel• to develop a basic understanding of mass transport and buffering
• to become aware of potential moisture-related damage and health risks
• to learn how to (i) design building components and (ii) assess their hygrothermal performance
Inhalt• hygrothermal loads
• conservation of mass (dry air, water vapor, liquid water)
• moist air: constitutive behavior, transport, potential problems and solutions
• liquid water: constitutive behavior, transport, potential problems and solutions
• exercises
SkriptHandouts, supporting material and exercises are provided online (http://www.carmeliet.ethz.ch/). The course syllabus will be made available at the Chair of Building Physics.
LiteraturAll material is provided online (http://www.carmeliet.ethz.ch/)
Voraussetzungen / BesonderesPrior knowledge of "BP I: heat" is required.