052-0523-18L  360° - Reality to Virtuality

SemesterHerbstsemester 2018
DozierendeK. Sander, A. Wieser
Periodizitätjährlich wiederkehrende Veranstaltung

KurzbeschreibungBasics of 3D-scanning of rooms and bodies, individual scan projects, 3D-visualizations and animations. Definition and realization of a project, working alone and in groups.
LernzielUnderstanding 3D-technologies, handling positive and negative spaces, handling hardware and software, processing 3D point clouds (registering scans, filtering, merging of data sets, precision, visualizations, animation), interpretation of the generated data.
Inhalt1. Introduction to 3D laser scanning (getting to know technologies, methods and context; carry out practical tests)
2. Project development within the group (idea, concept, target, intention, selection of methods & strategies)
3. Project implementation within the group (possible results, videos, pictures, prints, publications, web, blog, forum etc.)
4. Project presentation (exhibition incl. critiques, discussions)