401-7855-00L Computational Astrophysics (University of Zurich)
Semester | Herbstsemester 2018 |
Dozierende | L. M. Mayer |
Periodizität | jährlich wiederkehrende Veranstaltung |
Lehrsprache | Englisch |
Kommentar | Der Kurs muss direkt an der UZH belegt werden. UZH Modulkürzel: AST245 Beachten Sie die Einschreibungstermine an der UZH: https://www.uzh.ch/cmsssl/de/studies/application/mobilitaet.html |
Kurzbeschreibung | |
Lernziel | Acquire knowledge of main methodologies for computer-based models of astrophysical systems,the physical equations behind them, and train such knowledge with simple examples of computer programmes |
Inhalt | 1. Integration of ODE, Hamiltonians and Symplectic integration techniques, time adaptivity, time reversibility 2. Large-N gravity calculation, collisionless N-body systems and their simulation 3. Fast Fourier Transform and spectral methods in general 4. Eulerian Hydrodynamics: Upwinding, Riemann solvers, Limiters 5. Lagrangian Hydrodynamics: The SPH method 6. Resolution and instabilities in Hydrodynamics 7. Initial Conditions: Cosmological Simulations and Astrophysical Disks 8. Physical Approximations and Methods for Radiative Transfer in Astrophysics |
Literatur | Galactic Dynamics (Binney & Tremaine, Princeton University Press), Computer Simulation using Particles (Hockney & Eastwood CRC press), Targeted journal reviews on computational methods for astrophysical fluids (SPH, AMR, moving mesh) |
Voraussetzungen / Besonderes | Some knowledge of UNIX, scripting languages (see www.physik.uzh.ch/lectures/informatik/python/ as an example), some prior experience programming, knowledge of C, C++ beneficial |