101-0467-01L  Transport Systems

SemesterAutumn Semester 2018
LecturersK. W. Axhausen
Periodicityyearly recurring course
Language of instructionEnglish
CommentOnly for master students, otherwise a special permisson by the lecturers is required.

AbstractHistory, impact and principles of the design and operation of
transport systems
Learning objectiveIntroduction of the basic principles of the design and operation of
transport systems (road, rail, air) and of the essential pathways of their
impacts (investment, generalised costs, accessibilities, external effects)
ContentTransport systems and land use; network design; fundamental model of mobility behaviour; costs and benefits of mobility; transport history

Classification of public transport systems; Characteristics of rail systems, bus systems, cable cars and funiculars, unconventional systems; introduction to logistics; fundamentals of rail freight transports; freight transport systems; intermodal transportation

Network layout and its impact on road traffic. Traffic control systems for urban and inter-urban areas. Fundamentals of road safety and infrastructure maintenance.
Lecture notesLecturer notes and slides as well as hints to further literature will be given during the course.
Prerequisites / NoticeObligatory lecture for students of the first semester of MSc Spatial development and Infrastructure Systems.
Remark: parts of the lecture will be given in German.