363-0392-00L  Strategic Management

SemesterHerbstsemester 2018
DozierendeS. Herting
Periodizitätjedes Semester wiederkehrende Veranstaltung
KommentarNumber of participants limited to 80.

Registration through myStudies (first come, first served). If you are unable to sign up through myStudies, please contact the course assistant:

KurzbeschreibungThis courses conveys concepts and methods in strategic management, with a focus on competitive strategy. Competitive strategy aims at improving and establishing position of firms within an industry.
LernzielThe lecture "Strategic Management" is designed to teach relevant competences in strategic planning and -implementation, for both professional work-life and further scientific development. The course provides an overview of the basics of “strategy” and the most prevalent concepts and methods in strategic management. The course is given as a combination of lectures about concepts/methods, and case studies where the students solve strategic issues of the case companies. In two sessions, the students will also be addressing real-time strategic issues of firms that are represented by executives.
a. Strategy concepts
b. Industry dynamics I: Industry analysis
c. Industry dynamics II: Analysis of technology and innovation
d. The resource-based theory of the firm
e. The knowledge-based theory of the firm
Voraussetzungen / BesonderesNumber of participants limited to 80. Registration through myStudies (first come, first served). You will receive a confirmation email from us once you have successfully registered. We do not use the mystudies-Waiting List, but a seperate internal system.

For further questions and if you are unable to sign up through myStudies, please contact the course assistant:

Session #0: (October 8) Organizational Issues & Guest lecture I
Session #1: (October 15) Strategy Concepts & How to Solve a Case
Session #2: (October 22) Industry Dynamics I
Session #3: (October 29) Guest Lecture II
Session #4: (November 5) Industry Dynamics II
Session #5: (November 12) Resource-Based Theory
Session #6: (November 26) Knowledge-based Theory
Session #7: (December 3) Guest Lecture III

For participants of the MAS-MTEC program we offer a complentary course Practicing Strategy in which students will apply the concepts of Strategic Management to their real-life contexts and organizations. Please register simultaneously for both courses if you want to take part in this course.

For more information please see: