227-0617-00L  Solar Cells

SemesterAutumn Semester 2018
LecturersA. N. Tiwari, S. Bücheler, Y. Romanyuk
Periodicityyearly recurring course
Language of instructionEnglish

AbstractPhysics, technology, characteristics and applications of photovoltaic solar cells.
Learning objectiveIntroduction to solar radiation, physics, technology, characteristics and applications of photovoltaic solar cells and systems.
ContentSolar radiation characteristics, physical mechanisms for the light to electrical power conversion, properties of semiconductors for solar cells, processing and properties of conventional Si and GaAs based solar cells, technology and physics of thin film solar cells based on compound semiconductors, other solar cells including organic and dye sensitized cells, problems and new developments for power generation in space, interconnection of cells and solar module design, measurement techniques, system design of photovoltaic plants, system components such as inverters and controllers, engineering procedures with software domonstration, integration in buildings and other specific examples.
Lecture notesLecture reprints (in english).
Prerequisites / NoticePrerequisites: Basic knowledge of semiconductor properties.