Practical introduction into concepts and basic principles of Materials Science and Chemistry. To become acquainted with important chemical and physical methods as well as lab safety issues.
Learning objective
Practical introduction into concepts and basic principles of Materials Science and Chemistry. To become acquainted with important chemical and physical methods. Close collaboration with the course "Wissenschaftliches Arbeiten" (planning of experiments, writing reports, techniques for oral presentations). General theoretical and practical introduction at the beginning of the practical laboratory course about safety and general behaviour in a laboratory. There will be an written lab safety test (with Moodle), which has to be passed before the practical course starts.
Experiments in the field of synthetic and analytical chemistry; fracture mechanics, mechanical/thermal properties (e.g. E-module), thermodynamics, colloidal chemistry, particle tracking (DLS and microscopy), corrosion, electroplating, "forging, stone and wood processing", up to two computer theory experiments (using MATLAB; random numbers and traveling salesman), and further.