327-0104-00L  Crystallography

SemesterAutumn Semester 2018
LecturersT. Lottermoser
Periodicityyearly recurring course
Language of instructionGerman

AbstractIntroduction into the fundamental relationships between chemical composition, crystal structure, symmetry and physical properties of solids.
Learning objectiveIntroduction into the fundamental relationships between chemical composition, crystal structure, symmetry and physical properties of solids. Emphasis: group-theoretical introduction into symmetry, discussion of the factors governing the formation of crystal structures, structural dependence of physical properties, fundamentals of experimental techniques probing the crystal structure.
ContentSymmetry and order: lattices, point groups, space groups.

Crystal chemistry: geometrical, physical and chemical factors governing the formation of crystal structures; close sphere packings; typical basic crystal structures; lattice energy; magnetic crystals; quasicrystals.

Structure/property relationships: Example quartz (piezoelectricity); perowskite and derivative structures (ferroelectrics and high-temperature superconductors); magnetic materials.

Materials characterization: diffraction techniques, optical techniques.
Lecture notesA script of the lecture until 2014 is available. Script notes for the present lecture will be provided before the start of the lecture.
LiteratureWalter Borchardt-Ott: Kristallographie. Springer 2002.
Dieter Schwarzenbach: Kristallographie. Springer 2001.
Prerequisites / NoticeOrganisation: Two hours of lectures per week accompanied by one hour of exercises.