551-0737-00L  Ecology and Evolution: Interaction Seminar

SemesterAutumn Semester 2018
LecturersS. Bonhoeffer
Periodicityevery semester recurring course
Language of instructionEnglish


551-0737-00 SEcology and Evolution: Interaction Seminar Special students and auditors need a special permission from the lecturers.
2 hrsby appt.S. Bonhoeffer

Catalogue data

AbstractInteraction seminar. Student-mediated presentations, guests and discussions on current themes in ecology, evolutionary and population biology.
Learning objectiveGetting familiar with scientific arguments and discussions. Overview of current research topics. Making contacts with fellow students in other groups.
ContentScientific talks and discussions on changing subjects.
Lecture notesNone
Prerequisites / NoticeFor information, location and details: http://www.tb.ethz.ch/education/zis.html

Performance assessment

Performance assessment information (valid until the course unit is held again)
Performance assessment as a semester course
ECTS credits2 credits
ExaminersS. Bonhoeffer
Typeungraded semester performance
Language of examinationEnglish
RepetitionRepetition only possible after re-enrolling for the course unit.
Additional information on mode of examinationIn order to obtain the credit points, a student must attend at least 2/3 of all course events.

Learning materials

Main linkInformation
Only public learning materials are listed.


No information on groups available.


General : Special students and auditors need a special permission from the lecturers

Offered in

Biology (General Courses)Complementary CoursesZInformation
Doctoral Department BiologyDoctoral and Post-Doctoral CoursesWInformation
Doctoral Department of Environmental SciencesEcology and EvolutionWInformation