551-1310-00L  A Problem-Based Approach to Cellular Biochemistry

SemesterSpring Semester 2018
LecturersM. Peter, E. Dultz, M. Gstaiger, V. Korkhov, B. Kornmann, V. Panse, A. E. Smith
Periodicityyearly recurring course
Language of instructionEnglish
CommentNumber of participants limited to 15.

551-1310-00 GA Problem-Based Approach to Cellular Biochemistry
The course will occasionally take place from 7:45 to 11:30 hrs.
2 hrs
Fri07:45-09:30HPM D 7.2 »
M. Peter, E. Dultz, M. Gstaiger, V. Korkhov, B. Kornmann, V. Panse, A. E. Smith