860-0012-00L  Cooperation and Conflict Over International Water Resources

SemesterFrühjahrssemester 2018
DozierendeB. Wehrli, T. Bernauer, J. Mertens
Periodizitätjährlich wiederkehrende Veranstaltung
KommentarNumber of participants limited to 30.
STP students have priority.

This is a research seminar at the Master level. PhD students are also welcome.

KurzbeschreibungThis course focuses on the technical, economic, and political challenges of dealing with water allocation and pollution problems in large international river basins. It examines ways and means through which such challenges are addressed, and when and why international efforts in this respect succeed or fail.
LernzielThe students get an overview of (1) causes and consequences of water scarcity and water pollution problems in large international river basins; (2) they understand concepts and policies to assess and mitigate such water challenges, and (3) they analyze when and why international efforts in this respect succeed or fail.
InhaltBased on lectures and discussion of scientific papers students acquire basic knowledge on contentious issues in managing international water resources, on the determinants of cooperation and conflict over international water issues, and on ways and means of mitigating conflict and promoting cooperation. Students will then, in small teams coached by the instructors do research on a case of their choice (i.e. an international river basin where riparian countries are trying to find solutions to water allocation and/or water quality problems). They will write a brief paper and present their findings during a final meeting at the end of the semester.
The first 5 and the last 2 dates are reserved for lectures and seminars, during which presence of students is obligatory.
Skriptslides and papers will be distributed electronically.
LiteraturThe UN World Water Development Report 2015 provides a broad overview of the topic
Voraussetzungen / BesonderesThe course is open to Master and PhD students from any area of ETH.

Replaces 701-0462-01L "The Science and Politics of International Water Management". Students who got credits for this course in the past, cannot register here.

ISTP students who take this course should also register for the course
860-0012-01L - Cooperation and conflict over international water resources; In-depth case study.