701-1542-00L Transportation and Harvesting Systems of Land-Use
Semester | Spring Semester 2018 |
Lecturers | H. R. Heinimann |
Periodicity | yearly recurring course |
Language of instruction | German |
Abstract | The learning unit (LU) enables (1) to physically delineate ground-, air- and cable-borne harvesting systems, (2) to analyze the effectiveness of road networks, (3) to compare config. of harvesting systems, and (4) to assess environmental impacts. Assignments: (1) GIS-based analysis of road network effectiveness, (2) feasibility limits of Equipment. |
Learning objective | - identify, quantify and assess transportation requirements of agricultural and forest production, - review the state-of-the-art of ground-based, cable-based, and air-borne harvesting and transportation systems, and assess their physical feasibility, economical efficiency, and ecological soundness, - understand the adaptation of road network models to specific terrain conditions and management regimes, - use road network and harvest layout planning as a model to analyse the trade-offs between fulfilling transportation requirements, maximizing economical efficiency, and minimizing environmental impacts. |
Content | 1. Interactions between land-use activities and transportation systems. 2. Transportation systems in a world-wide perspective: [1] on-road systems, [2] off-road systems: (a) ground-based, (b) cable-based, (3) air-borne. 3. Harvesting systems in a world-wide perspective: Essence of forest operations engineering. Functions and structure of production systems. Principles for the design of harvesting systems. Process capabilities and limitations (trafficability, processing, handling, identification, control) 4. Transportation models for trafficable and non-trafficable terrain conditions. Optimization of transportation models (optimal road spacing, or optimal road density, respectively). Design and layout of road networks. 5. Analysis of ecological risks related with transportation and harvesting. Risk concept and decisive risks. |
Lecture notes | Lecture notes will be handed out |
Literature | Unfortunately, there are no up-to-date textbooks available |
Prerequisites / Notice | The learning unit consists of two homework-assignments, which students have to solve, to document, and to hand in: GIS-based analysis of a given transportation network, and derivation of network performance metrics. |