151-1060-00L  Subject Didactics II for D-MAVT and D-ITET

SemesterSpring Semester 2018
LecturersS. P. Kaufmann, M. Thaler
Periodicityyearly recurring course
Language of instructionGerman


151-1060-00 GFachdidaktik II für D-MAVT und D-ITET Special students and auditors need a special permission from the lecturers.3 hrs
Wed16:15-19:00CAB G 57 »
25.04.16:15-19:00CHN D 48 »
02.05.16:15-19:00CHN D 48 »
09.05.16:15-17:00CAB G 57 »
16:15-17:00CHN D 48 »
S. P. Kaufmann, M. Thaler

Catalogue data

AbstractApplication of didactical methods to topics in engineering.
Learning objectiveThe students
- Using a detailed didactic analysis learn to acquaint themselves with an extensive study area, such that they access various sources, procure materials and reflect on the relevance of the topic and the approach they have adopted with regard to training, professionalism, subject didactics and possibly also social aspects.
- Can apply demanding teaching methods in the context of various teaching-learning strategies in a reflective and knowledge-based manner.
- Can organize the basic requirements of teaching in a manner that is oriented towards the target audience.
Content- Analyse der Ausgangslage und des Unterrichtsgegenstandes
- Unterrichtsmethoden
- Selbststudium
- ICT-Einsatz im Unterricht
- Qualifikationsverfahren planen und durchführen
Literature[1] Gross, D., W. Hauger, J. Schröder, and W. Wall, Technische Mechanik 1 - Statik, Berlin: Springer, 2006.
[2] Hasselhorn, M., and A. Gold, Pädagogische Psychologie. Erfolgreiches Lernen und Lehren, Stuttgart: Kohlhammer, 2006.
[3] Reichardt, J., Lehrbuch Digitaltechnik: eine Einführung mit VHDL, München: Oldenbourg, 2009.
Prerequisites / NoticeVoraussetzung: Erziehungswissenschaftliche Lehrveranstaltung schon absolviert oder gleichzeitig.
Fachdidaktik I absolviert.

Performance assessment

Performance assessment information (valid until the course unit is held again)
Performance assessment as a semester course
ECTS credits4 credits
ExaminersS. P. Kaufmann, M. Thaler
Typegraded semester performance
Language of examinationGerman
RepetitionRepetition only possible after re-enrolling for the course unit.

Learning materials

Main linkMoodle
Only public learning materials are listed.


No information on groups available.


General : Special students and auditors need a special permission from the lecturers

Offered in

Electrical Engineering and Information Technology TCSubject Didactics and Professional TrainingOInformation
Mechanical and Process Engineering TCFurther Subject DidacticsOInformation