102-0215-00L  Urban Water Management II

SemesterAutumn Semester 2017
LecturersM. Maurer, P. Staufer
Periodicityyearly recurring course
Language of instructionGerman

AbstractTechnical networks in urban water engineering. Water supply: Optimization, water hammer, corrosion and hygiene. Urban drainage: Urban hydrology, non stationary flow, pollutant transport, infiltration of rainwater, wet weather pollution control. General planning, organisation and operation of regional drainage systems.
Learning objectiveConsolidation of the basic procedures for design and operation of technical networks in water engineering.
ContentDemand Side Management versus Supply Side Management
Optimierung von Wasserverteilnetzen
Kalkausfällung, Korrosion von Leitungen
Hygiene in Verteilsystemen
Siedlungshydrologie: Niederschlag, Abflussbildung
Instationäre Strömungen in Kanalisationen
Stofftransport in der Kanalisation
Einleitbedingungen bei Regenwetter
Versickerung von Regenwasser
Generelle Entwässerungsplanung (GEP)
Lecture notesWritten material and copies of the overheads will be available.
Prerequisites / NoticePrerequisite: Introduction to Urban Water Management