364-1064-00L  Inagural Seminar - Doctoral Retreat

SemesterHerbstsemester 2017
DozierendeF. von Wangenheim, S. Brusoni, B. Clarysse, T. Netland, J. Reuer, P. Schmid
Periodizitätjährlich wiederkehrende Veranstaltung
KommentarPre-registration upon invitation required.
Once your pre-registration has been confirmed, a registration in myStudies is possible.

KurzbeschreibungThis course is geared towards first and second-year doctoral candidates of MTEC. It is held as in a workshop style. Students attending this seminar will benefit from interdisciplinary discussions and insights into current and future work in business and economics research.
LernzielThe purpose of this course is to
- introduce doctoral candidates to the world of economics, management and systems research at MTEC
- make doctoral candidates aware of silo-thinking in the specific sub-disciplines and encourage them to go beyond those silos
- discuss current issues with regard to substantive, methodological and theoretical domains of research in the respective fields