857-0027-00L  International Organizations (Field Trip)

SemesterHerbstsemester 2017
DozierendeF. Schimmelfennig
Periodizitätjährlich wiederkehrende Veranstaltung
KommentarNur für Comparative and International Studies MSc.

KurzbeschreibungA three-day visit to international organizations in Geneva - e.g., the World Trade Organization, the World Health Organization and the International Committee of the Red Cross. Teams of 2-3 students prepare a 2-3 page background reading for the group on a specific international organization and lead the discussion with representatives of that organization during the visit.
LernzielBecome familiar with the work and challenges of international organizations based in Geneva.
InhaltA three-day visit to international organizations in Geneva - e.g., the World Trade Organization, the World Health Organization and the International Committee of the Red Cross. Teams of 2-3 students prepare a 2-3 page background reading for the group on a specific international organization and lead the discussion with representatives of that organization during the visit.
LiteraturKaren A. Mingst, Margaret P. Karns. The United Nations in the Twenty-First Century, Third Edition (Dilemmas in World Politics). Westview Press, 2007.
Briefing papers prepared by the students.