529-2001-AAL Chemistry I and II
Semester | Autumn Semester 2017 |
Lecturers | H. Grützmacher, W. Uhlig |
Periodicity | every semester recurring course |
Language of instruction | English |
Comment | Enrolment ONLY for MSc students with a decree declaring this course unit as an additional admission requirement. Any other students (e.g. incoming exchange students, doctoral students) CANNOT enrol for this course unit. |
Abstract | General Chemistry I and II: Chemical bond and molecular structure, chemical thermodynamics, chemical equilibrium, kinetics, acids and bases, electrochemistry |
Learning objective | Introduction to general and inorganic chemistry. Basics of the composition and the change of the material world. Introduction to the thermodynamically controlled physico-chemical processes. Macroscopic phenomena and their explanation through atomic and molecular properties. Using the theories to solve qualitatively and quantitatively chemical and ecologically relevant problems. |
Content | 1. Stoichiometry 2. Atoms and Elements (Quantenmechanical Model of the Atom) 3. Chemical Bonding 4. Thermodynamics 5. Chemical Kinetics 6. Chemical Equilibrium (Acids and Bases, Solubility Equilibria) 7. Electrochemistry |
Lecture notes | Nivaldo J. Tro Chemistry - A molecular Approach (Pearson), Chapter 1-18 |
Literature | Housecroft and Constable, CHEMISTRY Oxtoby, Gillis, Nachtrieb, MODERN CHEMISTRY |