701-0701-01L  Philosophy of Science: Exercises

SemesterAutumn Semester 2017
LecturersG. Hirsch Hadorn, C. J. Baumberger
Periodicityyearly recurring course
CourseDoes not take place this semester.
Language of instructionGerman
CommentShift in Semester. Will be offered in Spring Semester 2018.


701-0701-01 UWissenschaftsphilosophie: Übungen
Does not take place this semester.
1 hrsG. Hirsch Hadorn, C. J. Baumberger

Catalogue data

AbstractThe exercises in philosophy of science serve to develop skills in critical thinking by discussing seminal texts about the rationality of science. Topics discussed include the significance and limits of empirical, mathematical and logical methods, as well as problems and ethical issues raised by the use of science in society.
Learning objectiveStudents can engage with problems in the philosophy of science and to relate them to natural and environmental sciences. They learn to analyze and summarize philosophical texts. In this way, they develop their skills in critical thinking with a focus on the rationality of science.
ContentThe optional exercises accompany the lecture and serve to develop skills in critical thinking with a focus on the rationality of science, based on discussing seminal texts. The texts cover important positions in the philosophy of science and their critics. Topics discussed include the significance and limits of empirical, mathematical and logical methods, as well as problems and ethical issues raised by the use of science in society.
Lecture notesA reader will be available for students.
LiteratureA list of literature will be distributed to the students together with the reader.
Prerequisites / NoticeStudents that want to subscribe for this course also have to subscribe for the lecture 701-0701-00 V "Wissenschaftsphilosophie". Credit points are given for preparing a structure and a summary of one of the texts.

Performance assessment

Performance assessment information (valid until the course unit is held again)
Performance assessment as a semester course
ECTS credits1 credit
ExaminersG. Hirsch Hadorn, C. J. Baumberger
Typeungraded semester performance
Language of examinationGerman
RepetitionRepetition only possible after re-enrolling for the course unit.

Learning materials

No public learning materials available.
Only public learning materials are listed.


No information on groups available.


There are no additional restrictions for the registration.

Offered in

Educational Science for Teaching Diploma and TCCompulsory Elective Courses Teaching DiplomaWInformation
GESS Science in PerspectivePhilosophyWInformation
Environmental Sciences BachelorCore CoursesWInformation