376-1305-01L  Structure, Plasticity and Repair of the Nervous System

SemesterHerbstsemester 2016
DozierendeM. E. Schwab, L. Filli, K. A. Martin, weitere Dozierende
Periodizitätjährlich wiederkehrende Veranstaltung

376-1305-01 VStructure, Plasticity and Repair of the Nervous System
**together with the Uni Zurich**
More informations at: http://www.vorlesungen.uzh.ch/HS16/suche/e-50793087.details.html
BE AWARE: Lecture starts already on Monday 19.09.2016!

4 hours of self-study (preparation and post-study) per week are included in the course.
2 Std.
Mo10:15-12:00Y15 G 40 »
M. E. Schwab, L. Filli, K. A. Martin, weitere Dozierende