376-1305-10L  Neurobiology

SemesterAutumn Semester 2016
LecturersM. E. Schwab, E. Stoeckli, L. Filli, K. A. Martin, further lecturers
Periodicityyearly recurring course
Language of instructionEnglish

AbstractDevelopment of the nervous system (NS); the adult NS, plasticity and regeneration, sensory systems, cognitive functions, learning and memory, molecular and cellular mechanisms, animal models, diseases of the NS.
Learning objectiveOverview of normal development, plasticity and regeneration of the nervous system based on molecular, cellular and biochemical approaches.
ContentDevelopment: Early development of the nervous system, cellular level, nerve fiber growth, building of neuronal networks; biology of the adult nervous system; structural plasticity of the adult nervous system, regeneration and repair: networks and nerve fibers, regeneration, pathological loss of cells.
Lecture notesStructure, Plasticity and Repair of the Nervous System (376-1305-01L): Lecture notes will be provided on Moodle https://moodle-app2.let.ethz.ch/course/view.php?id=694
Password will be provided at the beginning of the lecture.

Development of the Nervous System (376-1305-00L): Lecture notes will be provided on OLAT https://www.olat.uzh.ch/olat/dmz/
LiteratureThe lecture requires reading of book chapters, handouts and original scientific papers. Further information will be given in the individual lectures.