Strategies, individual abilities and needs, as well as properties of products are factors controlling quality and performance in everyday interactions with products. In this second block of lectures, cognitive aspects are in focus therefore complementing the more physical oriented approach in the first block. A basic scientific approach is adopted and relevant links to practice are illustrated.
Learning objective
The goal of the lecture is to empower students in designing products enabling an efficient and qualitatively high standing interaction between human and the environment, considering costs, benefits, health, and safety as well. The goal is achieved in addressing a broad variety of topics and embedding the discussion in macroscopic factors such as the behavior of consumers and objectives of economy.
Cognitive factors in perception and information processing, Experimental techniques in assessing human performance and well-being, human factors and ergonomics in product development and innovation, decision taking, consumer behavior
Salvendy G. (ed), Handbook of Human Factors, Wiley & Sons, 2012