752-2102-00L  Selected Topics in Food Sensory Science

SemesterFrühjahrssemester 2015
DozierendeJ. Nuessli Guth
Periodizitätjährlich wiederkehrende Veranstaltung

KurzbeschreibungExtension of the basics in Food Sensory Science with important topics such as Sensory Quality Control, Panel Performance and Sensory Methods for Consumer Tests. Detailed work on a selected topic with presentation and written report.
Lernziel- Overview on qualitative Sensory Methods for consumer tests
- Comparison of analytical sensory tests and qualitative methods
- Methods for Sensory quality control
- Evaluation of panel performance
- Small project on a specific topic (e.g. focus groups, comparison of scales, consumer tests) with report writing and presentation
SkriptHandouts distributed in class.
LiteraturInformation given in class.
Voraussetzungen / BesonderesBasic principles in Food Sensory Science are required, e.g. attendence of the lecture 'Lebensmittelsensorik' (752-2101-00 G) or similar.