701-1418-00L Modelling Course in Population and Evolutionary Biology
Semester | Spring Semester 2015 |
Lecturers | S. Bonhoeffer, V. Müller |
Periodicity | yearly recurring course |
Language of instruction | English |
Comment | Number of participants limited to 20. Priority is given to MSc Biology and Environmental Sciences students. |
Abstract | This course provides a "hands-on" introduction into mathematical/computational modelling of biological processes with particular emphasis on evolutionary and population-biological questions. The models are developed using the Open Source software R. |
Learning objective | The aim of this course is to provide a practical introduction into the modelling of fundamental biological questions. The participants will receive guidance to develop mathematical/computational models in small teams. The participants chose two modules with different levels of difficulty from a list of projects. The participant shall get a sense of the utility of modelling as a tool to investigate biological problems. The simpler modules are based mostly on examples from the lecture ""Ecology and evolution: populations" (Lecture nr: 701-1415-00 V (D-UWIS) or 551-0303-00L (D-BIOL)). The advanced modules address topical research questions. Although being based on evolutionary and population biological methods and concepts, these modules also address topics from other areas of biology. |
Content | see www.tb.ethz.ch/education/ |
Lecture notes | For participants of the course who have not attended the lecture "Ecology and evolution: populations" (Lecture nr: 701-1415-00 V (D-UWIS) or 551-0303-00L (D-BIOL)), a preparatory script can be obtained upon request. |
Prerequisites / Notice | The course is based on the open source software R. Experience with R is useful but not required for the course. Similarly, the course 701-1708-00L Infectious Disease Dynamics is useful but not required. |