402-0386-12L  Computational Astrophysics

SemesterSpring Semester 2012
LecturersJ. Read
Periodicitynon-recurring course
Language of instructionEnglish

AbstractWe study computational methods that form the key tools for modern theoretical astrophysics.
Learning objectiveWe study how to solve gravity for many body systems from small stellar clusters up to the Universe as a whole. We then show that the fluid equations can give a good description of gas in the Universe and study numerical methods for solving these. We conclude with a look to the state of the art in computational astrophysics across a range of interesting problems from how stars and galaxies form to calculating the distribution of dark matter in the Universe.
Lecture notesFull script is available from: http://www.astro.phys.ethz.ch/~jread/lectures.htm
Prerequisites / NoticeExperience of computer programming would be an advantage. We will use python and C as the main languages for the course. However, we will assume no prior knowledge of these languages. Astro I & II or one of the astrophysics masters courses would also be helpful.