402-0723-08L  Flavour of Quarks and Leptons: Theory and Experiment

SemesterSpring Semester 2012
LecturersT. Hurth, O. Steinkamp
Periodicityyearly recurring course
Language of instructionEnglish
CommentNo enrolment to this course at ETH Zurich. Book the corresponding module directly at the UZH.

402-0723-00 VFlavour of Quarks and Leptons: Theory and Experiment
**Course at Uni Zurich**
More informations at: http://www.vorlesungen.uzh.ch/FS12/suche/e-50562067.details.html
2 hrs
Mon10:15-12:00Y36 J 33 »
T. Hurth, O. Steinkamp
402-0723-00 UFlavour of Quarks and Leptons: Theory and Experiment
**Course at Uni Zurich**
More informations at: http://www.vorlesungen.uzh.ch/FS12/suche/e-50562068.details.html
2 hrs
Wed09:00-11:00UNI ZH .
T. Hurth, O. Steinkamp