102-0527-00L  Experimental and Computer Laboratory I (Year Course)

SemesterAutumn Semester 2023
LecturersD. Braun, F. Evers, M. Floriancic, S. Frei, N. Klein, P. U. Lehmann Grunder, B. Lüthi, S. Pfister, F. Rüsch, D. F. Vetsch, M. Vogt, L. von Känel
Periodicityyearly recurring course
Language of instructionEnglish

102-0527-00 PExperimental and Computer Laboratory I Special students and auditors need a special permission from the lecturers.
Semester performance as year course together with 102-0528-00L Experimental and Computer Laboratory II.
The rooms and lectures times are listed mainly for organizational purposes. The students will be informed separately by the lecturers about the time and place (e.g. for the field measurements).
6 hrs
Tue/113:45-17:30HIF C 33 »
Thu13:45-17:30HIF C 33 »
Thu/213:45-17:30HIL B 18.2 »
Fri13:45-17:30HIF C 33 »
19.09.12:45-15:30HIL E 8 »
24.10.08:50-11:30HIL B 21 »
D. Braun, F. Evers, M. Floriancic, S. Frei, N. Klein, P. U. Lehmann Grunder, B. Lüthi, S. Pfister, F. Rüsch, D. F. Vetsch, M. Vogt, L. von Känel