529-0948-00L  Solid State Chemistry

SemesterSpring Semester 2023
LecturersM. Kovalenko, M. Kotyrba, S. Yakunin
Periodicityyearly recurring course
Language of instructionEnglish
CommentEnrollment only possible until 07.02.2023
Participants who have passed the course "Inorganic Chemistry II" will be favoured.

529-0948-00 PSolid State Chemistry
Every participant works on 14 afternoons in a row (Tuesday - Thursday, 13:00 - 18:00) during the semester after being assigned to a group of two participants. No further presence is demanded.
145s hrs
Tue12:45-17:30HCI C 191.1 »
12:45-17:30HCI C 191.4 »
12:45-17:30HCI D 109 »
12:45-17:30HCI H 112 »
Wed12:45-17:30HCI C 191.1 »
12:45-17:30HCI C 191.4 »
12:45-17:30HCI D 109 »
12:45-17:30HCI H 112 »
Thu12:45-17:30HCI C 191.1 »
12:45-17:30HCI C 191.4 »
12:45-17:30HCI D 109 »
12:45-17:30HCI H 112 »
M. Kovalenko, M. Kotyrba, S. Yakunin