751-3405-00L  Chemical Nature of Nutrients and their Availability to Plants: The Case of Phosphorus

SemesterAutumn Semester 2022
LecturersE. Frossard, L. P. Schönholzer, M. Wiggenhauser
Periodicityyearly recurring course
Language of instructionEnglish
CommentNumber of participants limited to 15.
Priority will be given to students in Agricultural Sciences

751-3405-00 GChemical Nature of Nutrients and their Availability to Plants: The Case of Phosphorus
The lecture times are 08.10-11.45, starting on 23 September 2022

The lecutres take place at the Experimental Station Eschikon (Group of Plant Nutrition), 8315 Eschikon-Lindau. https://ethz.ch/en/campus/access/region-zurich/lindau.html.
56s hrs
Fri08:15-12:00FMG B 17.1 »
E. Frossard, L. P. Schönholzer, M. Wiggenhauser