057-0102-10L  Module 4: Writing and Communication Skills for Built Environment Professionals

SemesterHerbstsemester 2020
DozierendeJ. E. Duyne Barenstein
Periodizitätjährlich wiederkehrende Veranstaltung
KommentarOnly for MAS in Housing

057-0102-00 KModule 4: Writing and Communication Skills for Built Environment Professionals
Introduction to MAS Housing: 14.09.2020 HIT J52
Presentation of MAS thesis proposals: 7th and 14th December
No course on 19th October (seminar week).
2 Std.
Mo09:45-11:30HIT H 22.1 »
14.09.09:45-11:30HIT H 22.1 »
J. E. Duyne Barenstein