851-0174-00L  Rebooting AI: Human and Social Aspects of Artificial Intelligence

SemesterSpring Semester 2021
LecturersJ. L. Gastaldi, O. Del Fabbro, A. Nardo, D. Trninic
Periodicitynon-recurring course
Language of instructionEnglish
CommentSuitable only for MA and PhD students

851-0174-00 GRebooting AI: Human and Social Aspects of Artificial Intelligence
Unregelmässige Lehrveranstaltung
30s hrs
Wed16:15-18:00HG G 26.3 »
Thu18:15-20:00HG G 26.3 »
J. L. Gastaldi, O. Del Fabbro, A. Nardo, D. Trninic