227-0122-00L  Introduction to Electric Power Transmission: System & Technology

SemesterHerbstsemester 2020
DozierendeC. Franck, G. Hug
Periodizitätjährlich wiederkehrende Veranstaltung
KommentarStudents that complete the course from HS 2020 onwards obtain 4 credits.

227-0122-00 VIntroduction to Electric Power Transmission: System & Technology
"Hybrid" format with «live»-streaming

Please reserve a seat before the start of the lecture to be able to follow the lecture in the lecture hall.
You can sign-up in Moodle, https://moodle-app2.let.ethz.ch/course/view.php?id=12749
2 Std.
Do08:15-10:00ML H 44 »
C. Franck, G. Hug
227-0122-00 UIntroduction to Electric Power Transmission: System & Technology
"Hybrid" format with «live»-streaming

Please reserve a seat before the start of the lecture to be able to follow the lecture in the lecture hall.
You can sign-up in Moodle, https://moodle-app2.let.ethz.ch/course/view.php?id=12749
2 Std.
Do10:15-12:00ML H 44 »
C. Franck, G. Hug