052-0824-20L  History of Art and Architecture: Don18 - From Microsoft to Microdosing

SemesterFrühjahrssemester 2020
DozierendeB. Seidel, H. Romakin, N. Zschocke
Periodizitätjedes Semester wiederkehrende Veranstaltung

052-0824-20 GHistory of Art and Architecture: Don18 From Microsoft to Microdosing
Teaching languages: English and German.
No course on 19.3. (seminar week) 16.4. (Easter Holiday) as well as all public holidays and in the last two weeks before the final critiques (s. room reservations!).
The course takes place in different rooms (s. room reservations!).
2 Std.
Do17:45-19:30HIL F 10.3 »
18:00-20:00ER SA TZ »
26.03.17:45-19:30HIL E 67 »
02.04.17:45-19:30HIL E 67 »
23.04.17:45-19:30HIL E 67 »
30.04.17:45-19:30HIL E 67 »
B. Seidel, H. Romakin, N. Zschocke