402-0891-00L  Phenomenology of Particle Physics I

SemesterAutumn Semester 2019
LecturersA. Rubbia, P. Crivelli
Periodicityyearly recurring course
Language of instructionEnglish

402-0891-00 VPhenomenology of Particle Physics I3 hrs
Mon15:45-17:30HPV G 4 »
Tue11:45-12:30HPV G 5 »
A. Rubbia, P. Crivelli
402-0891-00 UPhenomenology of Particle Physics I
Tue 17-19 or Wed 9-11 or Wed 10-12
2 hrs
Tue16:45-18:30HIT H 51 »
16:45-18:30HIT J 53 »
Wed08:45-10:30HPK D 24.2 »
09:45-11:30HIT F 12 »
A. Rubbia, P. Crivelli