529-0745-00L  General and Environmental Toxicology

SemesterHerbstsemester 2019
DozierendeM. Arand, H. Nägeli, B. B. Stieger, I. Werner
Periodizitätjährlich wiederkehrende Veranstaltung
KommentarOnly for Chemistry MSc and Chemical and Bioengineering MSc, Programme Regulations 2005.

IMPORTANT NOTICE for Chemistry and Chemical and Bioengineering students: There are two different version of this course for the two regulations (2005/2018), please make sure to register for the correct version according to the regulations you are enrolled in.

529-0745-01 VGeneral and Environmental Toxicology3 Std.
Fr08:45-11:30HCI J 8 »
M. Arand, H. Nägeli, B. B. Stieger, I. Werner