151-0620-00L  Embedded MEMS Lab

SemesterHerbstsemester 2019
DozierendeC. Hierold, S. Blunier, M. Haluska
Periodizitätjedes Semester wiederkehrende Veranstaltung

151-0620-00 PEmbedded MEMS Lab
- First part of the introduction lecture (compulsory): 23.09.2019 from 13 h to 18 h
- Second part of the introduction lecture (compulsory) and distribution of the script / class material: 30.09.2019 from 13 h to 18 h.
- Practical portion of the course: 7 consecutive Monday’s from 13:00 (exact) during the semester weeks. Starting days for groups are staggered.
- Attendance is required at all meetings of the course.
45s Std.
Mo13:15-14:00ML J 34.1 »
13:15-14:00ML J 34.3 »
13:15-14:00ML J 37.1 »
13:15-19:00CLA G 2 »
23.09.13:15-18:00IFW C 42 »
30.09.13:15-18:00IFW C 42 »
C. Hierold, S. Blunier, M. Haluska