365-1059-00L  Practicing Strategy

SemesterHerbstsemester 2018
DozierendeS. Herting
Periodizitätjährlich wiederkehrende Veranstaltung
KommentarExclusively for MAS MTEC students (third semester).
Number of participants limited to 30.

A prior/parallel enrolment for the lecture “Strategic Management” (363-0392-00) is mandatory.

365-1059-00 SPracticing Strategy
Two-day course: 26.10.2018 and 14.12.2018.
Friday: 10:15-19:00.
The course material will be available at http://www.smi.ethz.ch/education/practicing-strategy.html.
16s Std.
26.10.10:15-19:00WEV F 109 »
10:15-19:00WEV F 110 »
10:15-19:00WEV F 111 »
14.12.10:15-19:00WEV F 109 »
10:15-19:00WEV F 110 »
10:15-19:00WEV F 111 »
S. Herting