851-0816-05L  French: Grammar (B2-C1)

SemesterSpring Semester 2018
LecturersJ.‑P. Coen
Periodicityyearly recurring course
Language of instructionFrench
CommentYour course regristration is only valid with a simultaneous online registration at the language center (www.sprachenzentrum.uzh.ch).

851-0816-05 UGrammaire textuelle (B2-C1) Special students and auditors need a special permission from the lecturers.
**Kurs vom Sprachenzentrum der UZH und der ETH Zürich**
Mehr Infos unter: Link

ab 26.02.18
1 hrs
Mon16:15-18:00UNI ZH .
J.‑P. Coen